Monday, December 1, 2008

24 Days till Christmas

Can you believe Christmas is only 24 days away? I can't. I hope you all enjoyed the rest of your Thanksgiving weekend. We had a wonderful dinner at my parents on Saturday.

I spent the rest of Saturday busily working on my craft show items and then again yesterday till around 5 pm when I walked into the dog, at a good clip, and broke my baby toe on my right foot. Yes, it swelled right away and after putting ice on it a few times and trying to walk on it I decided to head to Urgent Care to get it check out. It's broke. There is a piece of bone chipped off at the bottom of the toe where the top of the foot starts. Boy does it hurt. As long as I don't move it, try to walk on it or touch it I'm fine. They gave me crutches and told me to stay off of it for a week. Well, you should see me try to use the crutches. That is another injury waiting to happen so I think I have to bag them. They also gave me a surgical shoe to where and taped the toe to the neighboring toe. The shoe does help when walking.

So, here I sit at home resting my foot. I have an appointment this afternoon with an Orthopedic doctor to have it checked and find out what I should and shouldn't do. I didn't have much confidence in the doctor at Urgent care. Kind of feel the crutches was a bit overkill. So we'll see what the specialist says.

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